
 Prayer to Jesus in the Eucharist

by St. Vincent Pallotti

Jesus in the Eucharist, our God and King,

Jesus in the Eucharist, our creator and Redeemer,

Jesus in the Eucharist, our physician and our medicine,

Jesus in the Eucharist, our food and our grace.

Jesus in the Eucharist, our greatest good and happiness.

Jesus in the Eucharist, infinitely loving and worthy of love.

Jesus in the Eucharist, you are the greatest and most holy of our mysteries.

St. Vincent Pallotti, pray for us.

Pallottines Ireland  from FaceBook

We beg you, Lord, to be our help and our support. Free us from our troubles; take pity on the lowly; raise up those who have fallen; give help to the poor, health to the sick, and bring home those who have wandered away. Feed the hungry, ransom captives, give strength to the weak and courage to the faint-hearted. Let all peoples come to know that you alone are God, that Jesus Christ is your son, and that we are your people and the sheep of your flock.

(Pope St. Clement I)

Mary, Queen of Apostles

Mary, Queen of Apostles,
as followers of your son Jesus we have committed ourselves to reawaken faith and enkindle charity both in our own lives and in the lives of others.

Trusting in you, Holy Virgin, we have every confidence with the aid of your intercession; and we direct our powers of body and spirit to the greater glory of God.

Following the example of St Vincent Pallotti, we ask your help to deepen our prayer for the growth of the kingdom; and finally we hope, together with you, to enjoy the fulfilment of paradise forever.


Co-authors: Barbara Shea & Rev. John Winson SAC